I've been thinking lately that I need a way to spread the word about Purple Paisley, especially since people will soon be thinking about graduation announcements and what not. Yes, I always
think about needing to spread the word about it, but rarely take much action. But not this time! I recently designed a baby announcement (soon to be posted) for my cousin and she had the brilliant idea suggesting I create a blog button for Purple Paisley. I'd thought of it before, but never really took the time to do much with it. So, here it is! (I've added it to this blog, which you can see to the right column of the page)
If you would like a Purple Paisley button on your blog that others who view your blog can click on and instantly be directed to the Purple Paisley blog follow the instructions below:
1. Make sure you are logged into and looking at
your blog page.
2. Go to "customize" at the top of your blog on the right side.
3. Click "add gadget" then choose "html/javascript".
4. Copy and paste the code found in the box under my Purple Paisley button on this page (to the right) in the "Content" box.
5. click "save".
Viola! You now have a button to Purple Paisley! For those of you who choose to add this button to your blog, I'd love to know about it! And most importantly, thank you!